Crispy cupcakes with mascarpone, white chocolate and blueberries

Only two bites will make you smile. Crispy dough, delicate, light and fluffy cream with a sweet and sour blueberry flavour. Do you need anything else?


Crispy dough:
  • 200g flour
  • 100g butter
  • 3 tbs icing sugar
  • 1/2 tbs lemon juice
  • 1/4 tsp lemon zest
  • yolk

  • 200ml cream 36% fat
  • 250g mascarpone
  • 100g white chocolate
  • 250g berries
Crispy cupcakes with mascarpone, white chocolate and blueberries


Sieve the flour into a food processor. Add icing sugar, chopped butter, yolk, zest and lemon juice. Blend at a medium setting until you get a coarse crumble. Put the mixture onto a breadboard and roll until smooth. Place into the fridge for 30 minutes . Put the cooled pieces of dough at the base of each mound. Bake until golden-brown for about 10 minutes at 180°C degrees. Set the cupcakes aside until they have cooled down and take them out of the mounds.

Melt the white chocolate with a tbs of milk in a water bath. Set aside to cool down, stirring every now and then. Whisk the cream at a higher setting. Add mascarpone and (cooled!) melted white chocolate. Stuff the cupcakes with cream with the help of a pastry bag and garnish with fresh blueberries.

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